================= Integration Guide ================= Simple Injector can be used in a wide range of .NET technologies, both server side as client side. Jump directly to the integration page for the application framework of your choice. When the framework of your choice is not listed, doesn't mean it isn't supported, but just that we didn't have the time write the documentation for it. When in doubt, you can raise a integration question `here `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Console Applications Using your DI Container during testing ASP.NET Core MVC .NET Generic Host ServiceCollection Console Applications Blazor Server App Integration Azure Functions Integration ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Web API ASP.NET Web Forms OWIN Windows Forms WCF WPF Other Technologies ================== Besides integration with standard .NET technologies, Simple Injector can be integrated with a wide range of other technologies. Here are a few links to help you get started quickly: * `ASP.NET Identity Framework `_ * `Azure Functions `_ * `Azure WebJobs SDK `_ * `Castle DynamicProxy Interception `_ * `Drum `_ * `Fluent Validations `_ * `FluentScheduler `_ * `gRPC-dotnet `_ * `HttpClientFactory `_ * `Membus `_ * `Nancy `_ * `PetaPoco `_ * `Quartz.NET `_ * `RavenDB `_ * `SignalR `_ * `SignalR Core `_ * `Web Forms MVP `_ Patterns ======== * `Auto-Mocking container `_ * `Multi-tenant applications `_ * `Unit of Work pattern `_