How To

Register factory delegates

Simple Injector allows you to register a Func<T> delegate for the creation of an instance. This is especially useful in scenarios where it is impossible for the Container to create the instance. There are overloads of the Register method available that accept a Func<T> argument:

container.Register<IMyService>(() => SomeSubSystem.CreateMyService());

In situations where a service needs to create multiple instances of a certain component, or needs to explicitly control the lifetime of such component, abstract factories can be used. Instead of injecting an IMyService, you should inject an IMyServiceFactory that creates new instances of IMyService:

// Definition
public interface IMyServiceFactory
    IMyService CreateNew();

// Implementation
sealed class ServiceFactory : IMyServiceFactory
    public IMyService CreateNew() => new MyServiceImpl();

// Registration
container.RegisterInstance<IMyServiceFactory>(new ServiceFactory());

// Usage
public class MyService
    private readonly IMyServiceFactory factory;

    public MyService(IMyServiceFactory factory)
        this.factory = factory;

    public void SomeOperation()
        using (var service1 = this.factory.CreateNew())
            // use service 1

        using (var service2 = this.factory.CreateNew())
            // use service 2

Instead of creating specific interfaces for your factories, you can also choose to inject Func<T> delegates into your services:

// Registration
container.RegisterInstance<Func<IMyService>>(() => new MyServiceImpl());

// Usage
public class MyService
    private readonly Func<IMyService> factory;

    public MyService(Func<IMyService> factory)
        this.factory = factory;

    public void SomeOperation()
        using (var service1 = this.factory.Invoke())
            // use service 1

This saves you from having to define a new interface and implementation per factory.

Note: On the downside however, this communicates less clearly the intent of your code and as a result might make your code harder to grasp.

When you choose Func<T> delegates over specific factory interfaces you can define the following extension method to simplify the registration of Func<T> factories:

// using System;
// using SimpleInjector;
// using SimpleInjector.Advanced;
public static void RegisterFuncFactory<TService, TImpl>(
    this Container container, Lifestyle lifestyle = null)
    where TService : class
    where TImpl : class, TService
    lifestyle = lifestyle ?? container.Options.DefaultLifestyle;
    var producer = lifestyle.CreateProducer<TService, TImpl>(container);

// Registration
container.RegisterFuncFactory<IMyService, RealService>();

The extension method allows registration of a single factory.

To take this one step further, the following extension method allows Simple Injector to resolve all types using a Func<T> delegate by default:

// using System;
// using System.Linq;
// using System.Linq.Expressions;
// using SimpleInjector;
public static void AllowResolvingFuncFactories(this ContainerOptions options)
    options.Container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (s, e) =>
        var type = e.UnregisteredServiceType;

        if (!type.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(Func<>))) {

        Type serviceType = type.GetGenericArguments().First();

        InstanceProducer registration =
            options.Container.GetRegistration(serviceType, true);

        Type funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(serviceType);

        var factoryDelegate = Expression.Lambda(funcType,


// Registration

After calling this AllowResolvingFuncFactories extension method, the container allows resolving Func<T> delegates.

Warning: Registering Func<T> delegates by default is a design smell. The use of Func<T> delegates makes your design harder to follow and your system harder to maintain and test. Your system should only have a few of those factories at most. If you have many constructors in your system that depend on a Func<T>, please take a good look at your dependency strategy. The following article goes into details about why Abstract Factories (such as Func<T>) are a design smell.


Just like Func<T> delegates can be injected, Lazy<T> instances can also be injected into components. Lazy<T> is useful in situations where the creation of a component is time consuming and not always required. Lazy<T> enables you to postpone the creation of such a component until the moment it is actually required:

// Registration
container.Register<IMyService, RealService>();
    () => new Lazy<IMyService>(container.GetInstance<IMyService>));

// Usage
public class SomeController
    private readonly Lazy<IMyService> myService;

    public SomeController(Lazy<IMyService> myService)
        this.myService = myService;

    public void SomeOperation(bool someCondition)
        if (someCondition)

Instead of polluting the API of your application with Lazy<T> dependencies, however, it is usually cleaner to hide the Lazy<T> behind a proxy, as shown in the following example.

// Proxy definition
public class LazyServiceProxy : IMyService
    private readonly Lazy<IMyService> wrapped;

    public LazyServiceProxy(Lazy<IMyService> wrapped)
        this.wrapped = wrapped;

    public void Operate() => this.wrapped.Value.Operate();

// Registration
container.Register<IMyService>(() => new LazyServiceProxy(
    new Lazy<IMyService>(container.GetInstance<RealService>)));

This way application components can simply depend on IMyService instead of Lazy<IMyService>:

// Usage
public class SomeController
    private readonly IMyService myService;

    public SomeController(IMyService myService)
        this.myService = myService;

    public void SomeOperation(bool someCondition)
        if (someCondition)
Warning: The same warning applies to the use of Lazy<T> as it does for the use of Func<T> delegates. Further more, the constructors of your components should be simple, reliable and quick (as explained in this blog post by Mark Seemann). That would remove the need for lazy initialization. For more information about creating an application and container configuration that can be successfully verified, please read the How To Verify the container’s configuration.

Resolve instances by key

Resolving instances by a key is a feature that is deliberately left out of Simple Injector, because it invariably leads to a design where the application tends to have numerous dependencies on the DI container itself. To resolve a keyed instance you will likely need to call directly into the Container instance and this leads to the Service Locator anti-pattern.

This doesn’t mean that resolving instances by a key is never useful. But resolving instances by a key is normally a job for a specific factory rather than the Container. This approach makes the design much cleaner, saves you from having to take numerous dependencies on the DI library and enables many scenarios that the DI container authors simply didn’t consider.

Note: The need for keyed registration can be an indication of ambiguity in the application design and a sign of a Liskov Substitution Principle violation. Take a good look if each keyed registration shouldn’t have its own unique interface, or perhaps each registration should implement its own version of a generic interface.

Take a look at the following scenario, where you want to retrieve IRequestHandler instances by a string key. There are several ways to achieve this, but here is a simple but effective way, by defining an IRequestHandlerFactory:

// Definition
public interface IRequestHandlerFactory
    IRequestHandler CreateNew(string name);

// Usage
var factory = container.GetInstance<IRequestHandlerFactory>();
var handler = factory.CreateNew("customers");

By inheriting from the BCL’s Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, creating an IRequestHandlerFactory implementation is almost a one-liner:

public class RequestHandlerFactory
    : Dictionary<string, Func<IRequestHandler>>, IRequestHandlerFactory
    public IRequestHandler CreateNew(string name) => this[name]();

With this class, you can register Func<IRequestHandler> factory methods by a key. With this in place the registration of keyed instances is a breeze:

var container = new Container();


container.RegisterInstance<IRequestHandlerFactory>(new RequestHandlerFactory
    { "default", () => container.GetInstance<DefaultRequestHandler>() },
    { "orders", () => container.GetInstance<OrdersRequestHandler>() },
    { "customers", () => container.GetInstance<CustomersRequestHandler>() },

Alternatively, the design can be changed to be a Dictionary<string, Type> instead. The RequestHandlerFactory can be implemented as follows:

public class RequestHandlerFactory : Dictionary<string, Type>, IRequestHandlerFactory
    private readonly Container container;

    public RequestHandlerFactory(Container container)
        this.container = container;

    public IRequestHandler CreateNew(string name) =>

The registration will then look as follows:

var container = new Container();


container.RegisterInstance<IRequestHandlerFactory>(new RequestHandlerFactory(container)
    { "default", typeof(DefaultRequestHandler) },
    { "orders", typeof(OrdersRequestHandler) },
    { "customers", typeof(CustomersRequestHandler) },
Note: Please remember the previous note about ambiguity in the application design. In the given example the design would probably be better of by using a generic IRequestHandler<TRequest> interface. This would allow the implementations to be auto-registered using a single line of code, saves you from using keys, and results in a configuration that is verifiable by the container.

A final option for implementing keyed registrations is to manually create the registrations and store them in a dictionary. The following example shows the same RequestHandlerFactory using this approach:

public class RequestHandlerFactory : IRequestHandlerFactory
    readonly Container container;
    readonly Dictionary<string, InstanceProducer<IRequestHandler>> producers =
        new Dictionary<string, InstanceProducer<IRequestHandler>>(

    public RequestHandlerFactory(Container container)
        this.container = container;

    IRequestHandler IRequestHandlerFactory.CreateNew(string name) =>

    public void Register<TImplementation>(string name)
        where TImplementation : class, IRequestHandler
        var producer = Lifestyle.Transient
            .CreateProducer<IRequestHandler, TImplementation>(container);

        this.producers.Add(name, producer);

The registration will then look as follows:

var container = new Container();

var factory = new RequestHandlerFactory(container);



The advantage of this method is that it completely integrates with the Container. Decorators can be applied to individual returned instances, types can be registered multiple times and the registered handlers can be analyzed using the Diagnostic Services.

The previous examples showed how registrations could be requested based on a key. Another common use case with multiple consumers of a given abstraction, is where each consumer requires a different implementation of that abstraction. In Simple Injector this can be achieved through Context based injection.

Register multiple interfaces with the same implementation

To adhere to the Interface Segregation Principle, it is important to keep interfaces narrow. Although in most situations implementations implement a single interface, it can sometimes be beneficial to have multiple interfaces on a single implementation. Here is an example of how to register this:

// Impl implements IInterface1, IInterface2 and IInterface3.
container.Register<IInterface1, Impl>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
container.Register<IInterface2, Impl>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
container.Register<IInterface3, Impl>(Lifestyle.Singleton);

var a = container.GetInstance<IInterface1>();
var b = container.GetInstance<IInterface2>();
var c = container.GetInstance<IInterface3>();

// Impl is a singleton and all GetInstance calls return the same instance.
Assert.AreEqual(a, b);
Assert.AreEqual(b, c);

At first glance the previous example would seem to cause three instances of Impl, but Simple Injector 4 will ensure that all three registrations will get the same instance.

Override existing registrations

The default behavior of Simple Injector is to fail when a service is registered for a second time. Most of the time the developer didn’t intend to override a previous registration and allowing this would lead to a configuration that would pass the container’s verification, but doesn’t behave as expected.

This design decision differs from most other DI libraries, where adding new registrations results in appending the collection of registrations for that abstraction. Registering collections in Simple Injector is an explicit action done using one of the Collection.Register method overloads.

There are certain scenarios, however, where overriding is useful. An example of such is a bootstrapper project for a business layer that is reused in multiple applications (in both a web application, web service, and Windows service for instance). Not having a business layer-specific bootstrapper project would mean the complete DI configuration would be duplicated in the startup path of each application, which would lead to code duplication. In that situation the applications would roughly have the same configuration, with a few adjustments.

Best is to start by configuring all possible dependencies in the BL bootstrapper and leave out the service registrations where the implementation differs for each application. In other words, the BL bootstrapper would result in an incomplete configuration. After that, each application can finish the configuration by registering the missing dependencies. This way you still don’t need to override the existing configuration.

In certain scenarios it can be beneficial to allow an application override an existing configuration. The container can be configured to allow overriding as follows:

var container = new Container();

container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;

// Register IUserService.
container.Register<IUserService, FakeUserService>();

// Replaces the previous registration
container.Register<IUserService, RealUserService>();

The previous example created a Container instance that allows overriding. It is also possible to enable overriding half way the registration process:

// Create a container with overriding disabled
var container = new Container();

// Pass container to the business layer.

// Enable overriding
container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;

// Replaces the previous registration
container.Register<IUserService, RealUserService>();

Verify the container’s configuration

Dependency Injection promotes the concept of programming against abstractions. This makes your code much easier to test, change, and maintain. However, because the code itself isn’t responsible for maintaining the dependencies between implementations, the compiler will not be able to verify whether the dependency graph is correct when using a DI library.

When starting to use a Dependency Injection container, many developers see their application fail when it is deployed in staging or sometimes even production, because of container misconfigurations. This makes developers often conclude that Dependency Injection is bad, because the dependency graph cannot be verified. This conclusion, however, is incorrect. First of all, the use of Dependency Injection doesn’t require a DI library at all. The pattern is still valid, even without the use of tooling that will wire everything together for you. For some types of applications Pure DI is even advisable. Second, although it is impossible for the compiler to verify the dependency graph when using a DI library, verifying the dependency graph is still possible and advisable.

Simple Injector contains a Verify() method, that iterates over all registrations and resolve an instance for each registration. Calling this method directly after configuring the container allows the application to fail during startup if the configuration is invalid.

Calling the Verify() method, however, is just part of the story. It is very easy to create a configuration that passes any verification, but still fails at runtime. Here are some tips to help you building a verifiable configuration:

  1. Stay away from implicit property injection, where the container is allowed to skip injecting the property if a corresponding or correctly registered dependency can’t be found. This will disallow your application to fail fast and will result in NullReferenceException’s later on. Only use implicit property injection when the property is truly optional, omitting the dependency still keeps the configuration valid, and the application still runs correctly without that dependency. Truly optional dependencies should be very rare, though—most of the time you should prefer injecting empty implementations (a.k.a. the Null Object pattern) instead of allowing dependencies to be a null reference. Explicit property injection, on the other hand, is better. With explicit property injection you force the container to inject a property and it will fail when it can’t succeed. However, you should prefer constructor injection whenever possible. Note that the need for property injection is often an indication of problems in the design. If you revert to property injection because you otherwise have too many constructor arguments, your class is probably violating the Single Responsibility Principle.
  2. Register all root objects explicitly. For instance, register all ASP.NET MVC Controller instances explicitly in the container (Controller instances are requested directly and are therefore called ‘root objects’). This way the container can check the complete dependency graph starting from the root object when you call Verify(). Prefer registering all root objects in an automated fashion, for instance by using reflection to find all root types. The Simple Injector ASP.NET MVC Integration NuGet Package, for instance, contains a RegisterMvcControllers extension method that will do this for you and the WCF Integration NuGet Package contains a similar RegisterWcfServices extension method for this purpose.
  3. If any of your root types are generic you should explicitly register each required closed-generic version of the type instead of making a single open-generic registration per generic type. Simple Injector will not be able to guess the closed types that could be resolved (root types are not referenced by other types and there can be endless permutations of closed-generic types) and as such open-generic registrations are skipped by Simple Injector’s verification system. Making an explicit registration for each closed-generic root type allows Simple Injector to verify and diagnose those registrations.
  4. If registering root objects is not possible or feasible, test the creation of each root object manually at startup. The key here—again—is finding them all at once using reflection. By finding all root classes using reflection and instantiating them, you’ll find out (during app startup or through automated testing) whether there is a problem with your DI configuration or not.
  5. There are scenarios where some dependencies cannot yet be created during application startup. To ensure that the application can be started normally and the rest of the DI configuration can still be verified, abstract those dependencies behind a proxy or abstract factory. Try to keep those unverifiable dependencies to a minimum and keep good track of them, because you want to test them manually or using an integration test.
  6. But even if all registrations can be resolved successfully by the container, that still doesn’t mean your configuration is correct. It is very easy to accidentally misconfigure the container in a way that only shows up late in the development process. Simple Injector contains Diagnostics Services to help you spot common configuration mistakes. To help you, all the diagnostic warnings are integrated into the verification mechanism. This means that a call to Verify() will also check for diagnostic warnings for you. It is advisable to analyze the container by calling Verify or by using the diagnostic services either during application startup or as part of an automated test that does this for you.
TIP: A call to Verify causes the construction and compilation of the expression trees for all the container’s registrations—this can be a slow process when the container contains several thousands of components. In case verification causes application startup to take more time than required due to verification, consider wrapping the Verify call in an #IF DEBUG compiler directive, or run Verify only as part of an unit/integration test. This keeps startup time short, and moves the performance penalty to every first resolve of an individual registration.

Work with dependency injection in multi-threaded applications

Note: Simple Injector is designed for use in highly-concurrent applications and the container is thread safe. Its lock-free design allows it to scale linearly with the number of threads and processors in your system.

Many applications and application frameworks are inherently multi threaded. Working in multi-threaded applications forces developers to take special care. It is easy for a less-experienced developer to introduce a race condition in the code. Even although some frameworks such as ASP.NET make it easy to write thread-safe code, introducing a simple static field could break thread safety.

This same holds when working with DI containers in multi-threaded applications. The developer that configures the container should be aware of the risks of shared state. Not knowing which configured services are thread-safe is a sin. Registering a service that is not thread safe as singleton, will eventually lead to concurrency bugs. Those bugs usually only appear in production. They are often hard to reproduce and hard to find, making them extremely costly to fix. And even when you correctly configured a service with the correct lifestyle, when another component that depends on it accidentally has a longer lifetime, the service might be kept alive much longer and might even be accessible from other threads.

Dependency injection, however, can actually help in writing multi-threaded applications. Dependency injection forces you to wire all dependencies together in a single place in the application: the Composition Root. This means that there is a single place in the application that knows about how components behave, whether they are thread safe, and how they should be wired. Without this centralization, this knowledge would be scattered throughout the code base, making it very hard to change the behavior of a component.

Tip: Take a close look at the ‘Lifestyle Mismatches’ warnings in the Diagnostic Services. Lifestyle mismatches are a source of concurrency bugs.
Note: By default, Simple Injector will check for Lifestyle Mismatches for you when you resolve a service. In other words, Simple Injector will fail fast when there is a Lifestyle Mismatch in your configuration.

In a multi-threaded application, each thread should get its own object graph. This means that you should typically call GetInstance<T>() once at the beginning of the thread’s execution to get the root object for processing that thread (or request). The container will build an object graph with all root object’s dependencies. Some of those dependencies might be singletons—shared between all threads. Other dependencies might be transient—a new instance is created per dependency. Other dependencies might be thread specific, request specific, or with some other lifestyle. The application code itself is unaware of the way the dependencies are registered and that’s the way it is supposed to be.

For web applications, you typically call GetInstance<T>() at the beginning of the web request. In an ASP.NET MVC application, for instance, one Controller instance will be requested from the container (by the Controller Factory) per web request. When using one of the integration packages, such as the Simple Injector MVC Integration Quick Start NuGet package for instance, you don’t have to call GetInstance<T>() yourself, the package will ensure this is done for you. Still, GetInstance<T>() is typically called once per request.

The advice of building a new object graph (calling GetInstance<T>()) at the beginning of a thread, also holds when manually starting a new (background) thread. Although you can pass on data to other threads, you should not pass on container-controlled dependencies to other threads. On each new thread, you should ask the container again for the dependencies. When you start passing dependencies from one thread to the other, those parts of the code have to know whether it is safe to pass those dependencies on. For instance, are those dependencies thread safe? This might be trivial to analyze in some situations, but prevents you to change those dependencies with other implementations—you have to remember that there is a place in your code where this is happening and you need to know which dependencies are passed on. You are decentralizing this knowledge again, making it harder to reason about the correctness of your DI configuration and making it easier to misconfigure the container in a way that causes concurrency problems.

Running code on a new thread can be done by adding a little bit of infrastructural code. Take for instance the following example where you want to send e-mail messages asynchronously. Instead of letting the caller implement this logic, it is better to hide the logic for asynchronicity behind an abstraction—a proxy. This ensures that this logic is centralized to a single place, and by placing this proxy inside the composition root, you prevent the application code to take a dependency on the container itself—letting application code take a dependency on the container is something that should be prevented.

// Synchronous implementation of IMailSender
public sealed class RealMailSender : IMailSender
    private readonly IMailFormatter formatter;

    public class RealMailSender(IMailFormatter formatter)
        this.formatter = formatter;

    void IMailSender.SendMail(string to, string message)
        // format mail
        // send mail

// Proxy for executing IMailSender asynchronously.
sealed class AsyncMailSenderProxy : IMailSender
    private readonly ILogger logger;
    private readonly Func<IMailSender> mailSenderFactory;

    public AsyncMailSenderProxy(ILogger logger, Func<IMailSender> mailSenderFactory)
        this.logger = logger;
        this.mailSenderFactory = mailSenderFactory;

    void IMailSender.SendMail(string to, string message)
        // Run on a new thread
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.SendMailAsync(to, message));

    private void SendMailAsync(string to, string message)
        // Here we run on a different thread and the
        // services should be requested on this thread.
        var mailSender = this.mailSenderFactory();

            mailSender.SendMail(to, message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // logging is important, because we run on a different thread.

In the Composition Root, instead of registering the MailSender, you register the AsyncMailSenderProxy as follows:

container.Register<ILogger, FileLogger>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
container.Register<IMailSender, RealMailSender>();
container.RegisterDecorator<IMailSender, AsyncMailSenderProxy>(Lifestyle.Singleton);

In this case the container will ensure that when an IMailSender is requested, a single AsyncMailSenderProxy is returned with a Func<IMailSender> delegate that will create a new RealMailSender when requested. The RegisterDecorator overloads natively understand how to handle Func<Decoratee> dependencies. The Decorators section explains more about registering decorators.

Warning: Please note that the previous example is just meant for educational purposes. In practice, you want the sending of e-mails to go through a durable queue or outbox to prevent loss of e-mails. Loss can occur when the mail server is unavailable, which is something that is guaranteed to happen at some point in time, even when the mail server is running locally.

Package registrations

Simple Injector has the notion of ‘packages’. A package is a group of container registrations packed into a class that implements the IPackage interface. This feature is similar to what other containers call Installers, Modules or Registries.

To use this feature, you need to install the SimpleInjector.Packaging NuGet package.

SimpleInjector.Packaging exists to accommodate applications that require plug-in like modularization, where parts of the application, packed with their own container registrations, can be independently compiled into a dll and ‘dropped’ into a folder, where the main application can pick them up, without the need for the main application to be recompiled and redeployed.

To accommodate this, those independent application parts can create a package by defining a class that implements the IPackage interface:

public class ModuleXPackage : IPackage
    public void RegisterServices(Container container)
        container.Register<IService1, Service1Impl>();
        container.Register<IService2, Service2Impl>(Lifestyle.Scoped);

After doing so, the main application can dynamically load these application modules, and make sure their packages are ran:

var assemblies =
    from file in new DirectoryInfo(pluginDirectory).GetFiles()
    where file.Extension.ToLower() == ".dll"
    select Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file.FullName));


As explained above, SimpleInjector.Packaging is specifically designed for loading configurations from assemblies that are loaded dynamically. In other scenarios the use of Packaging is discouraged.

For non-plug-in scenarios, all container registrations should be located as close as possible to the application’s entry point.

Note: The application’s entry point where all components are wired together is commonly referred to as the Composition Root. A detailed description of this concept can be found here.

Although even inside the Composition Root it might make sense to split the registration into multiple functions or even classes, as long as those registrations are available to the entry-point at compile time, it makes more sense to call them directly in code instead of by the use of reflection, as can be seen in the following example:

public void App_Start()
    var container = new Container();
    container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new WebRequestLifestyle();

    // add missing registrations here.


class BusinessLayerBootstrapper
    public static void Bootstrap(Container container) { ... }

class PresentationLayerBootstrapper
    public static void Bootstrap(Container container) { ... }

The previous example gives the same amount of componentization, while keeping everything visibly referenced from within the startup path. In other words, you can use your IDE’s go-to reference feature to jump directly to that code, while still being able to group things together.

On top of this, switching on or off groups of registrations based on configuration settings becomes simpler, as can be seen in the following example:

if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["environment"] != "production")